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Calen, the Emerald: Book 4 in the Aglaril Cycle


Book cover of Calen the Emerald

Calen the Emerald, the fourth book in the series, continues the story of Sir Ahlan and his companions.


Traveling north from Ravenhurst, they follow the edge of the forest heading towards the city of Dasca. After a variety of encounters on the road, they decide to camp in the wood. Nancy and Iriel go to collect kindling for the fire but do not return having been set upon by wolves and then rescued and captured by a small of thieves.

Concerned about the two women, Sir Ahlan and his remaining companions go after them, forcing them to battle the thieves and unlocking an adventure through the woodland and a nearby swamp in a race against a necromancer to the magic gem which tests their mettle and ability to stay alive and reach the fabled gem before the dark mage does.

The novel is available in electronic and paper formats.

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